Simple Steps on Using a Secured Password

    Secured Password
The ultimate tactic to a secured password is length. The longer the safer. Lengthy passwords are hard nuts to crack for unauthorized persons. Creating strong passwords is indeed a difficult task, especially when it is advised to have a unique password for each site you visit. Just anyone would be overwhelmed if they had to create and memorize multiple passwords like. Zt4e-79P-B13gh$%%€12de. The secret is to make passwords memorable but hard to guess. Learning a few simple skills will make creating strong memorable passwords easy. Creating them can actually be fun – and your payoff in increased safety is huge. In this article we would be addressing how to create a secure password;

1. Avoid the use of common words, like “Password”
These words can be easily guessed by people and can get into the wrong hands. Worrying about humans is even the least to say as there are now programs that use automated databases can perform a dictionary assault on your system, identifying the password easily.

2. Do not use personal information
Information like your last name, date of birth, anniversary among others are very easy to crack for anyone that knows you too well.
3. Avoid short passwords
Short passwords are easily deciphered. What’s hard in guessing that you like “rice” or that you love to “swim” or worse that you like to drink “coke”.

4. Use combination of alpha, numeric and alphanumeric characters
A mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols with no ties to your personal information, and dictionary words should be employed.

5. Don’t reuse your passwords
Using the same password across email, shopping, and other websites holding sensitive personal data (or even a local community website) can pose a huge threat if one of those experiences a breach, potentially other services that uses the same password are at huge risks of breach too.

6. Writing down the passwords
This is an old fashioned way of keeping track of one’s passwords. An unauthorised user can get hold of the book or paper where this information is written.

7. Use a password manager
There are many apps that store your passwords securely. We have LastPass, Keepass, Bitwarden e.t.c. This should be saved off of your work station to prevent a huge compromise.

8. Do not share your passwords.
Passwords are personal information and if the need arises that another user might need access to your profile then it’s safe to punch it in yourself or change right after that use. This is extremely powerful compared to the points listed above.

If you got here then you are more than equipped to creating a secured password. The next thing required of you is to check through your list of passwords and ensure all these points are ticked. It would you make a lot of sense if all precautionary measures are put in place to ensure your security is at its best.

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