Is my Website Safe with WordPress?

WordPress is arguably one of the most popular content management systems in the world, if not THE most popular one. The simplicity for users, paired with extreme flexibility, and accessibility all contributes to its popularity.

However, the much acclaimed popularity makes WordPress vulnerable, attracting all sorts of attacks.

Is WordPress really secure?
WordPress is a free and open-source software that anyone can download, modify and share, in theory, All of these makes it a bit vulnerable to those who want to abuse it. But, WordPress is actually more secure than you might think.

The WordPress core product has a team of dedicated developers who work on keeping the platform as secure as possible. These guys monitor WordPress for security vulnerabilities and install patches and updates to the software as soon as they are released regularly. So the first line of defense is there.

Every other thing depends on the users

Choose your hosting wisely
When it comes to WordPress security choosing hosting you can trust is a good way to start. In looking for a hosting provider, you need to ensure that they provide up-to-date stable versions of software, and also thoroughly monitor for vulnerabilities and malware. Another thing to look for is whether they offer you reliable methods for backup and site recovery, as well as whether SFTP or SSH connection is available.

Keep your WordPress installation updated
Many WordPress sites fall victim to hackers’ attacks due to having outdated versions of WordPress and/or plugins, or not installing the latest patches and updates. If you don’t keep your sites up to date, these files become increasingly vulnerable to exploits.

Be conscious of your passwords and permissions

Create a new username under “Users”, assign the “Administrator” role to it, set the “Attribute all content to” option for the new profile, and then delete the default one;
Use the Username Changer plugin to change the username;
Update the username from phpMyAdmin.
Do the same with passwords,including the passwords to the admin account, FTP accounts, and so on. Make sure they are hard to guess and unique to your site. You should also change them constantly.

In reducing risks restrict the permissions to access the site directories and disabling file editing for some of the user accounts.

Install security plugins
There are plenty of WordPress plugins for every purpose, including a vast selection of security plugins that will add another layer of protection to your site. For example, If you do a search for the “Security” category on the official WordPress site>>Plugins tab, you will find over 4000 security-related plugins, from all-in-one solutions to specific feature sets.

Some useful plugins that will help you keep your site safe:

WPS Hide Login
WP DB Backup
Antivirus plugin

Keeping the site regularly updated and backed up, and with trusted security plugins running, will greatly minimize the risk of it being compromised.

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